The preparation of your board meeting is one of the most important actions you can take to ensure the success of your meeting. A well-run meeting will result in an informed decision and efficient use of everyone’s precious time.

The agenda is the first step. The agenda should clearly define the principal topics to be discussed and the decisions that must be made. It is also crucial that the meeting materials are distributed prior to the start of the meeting, usually a week to ensure that Board members and participants have ample time to prepare for the meeting.

It is a good plan to call all the people participating in the meeting prior to the meeting to discuss any issues or clarify any information that might be lacking. This allows the Board member to discuss their concerns with the CEO or the management and ask for any additional information that they require to prepare for the meeting. This will reduce the amount of questions asked at the meeting and will help to have a more productive and efficient meeting.

It is also a good idea to conduct some background research or study into any issues that may come up at the meeting. You can do this in various ways, from asking relevant people for more details to consulting external sources. You’ll be better informed and be capable of asking more thoughtful and insightful questions that bring value to the meeting.

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